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Asian Booklist helps readers discover new books by British-Asian authors

We love books. We love agents and editors and publishers and booksellers. We believe that literature is the finest art form even when it makes us snort-laugh on the Central Line or secretly cry on the 10.39 from Waterloo to Basingstoke.

With that said, it’s fair to say that the UK publishing industry has a bit of a diversity problem. In 2016, The Bookseller reported that of the thousands of books published in the UK that year, fewer than 100 were written by authors of colour.

There has been (some) progress in the years since and we want to showcase the brilliant books being published by British-Asian authors by collating them in a single place.

Asian Booklist aims to:

  • Help readers discover new books by British-Asian authors

  • Monitor the number of books and bestsellers being published by British-Asian authors to tackle under-representation and under-investment

You can help by subscribing and buying the books on the list.

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